Monday, December 14, 2015

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youtube the dog training secret login yahoo ๏ปฟLabrador anxiety has to be stopped immediately because it can develop into serious situations which you cannot handle yourself. Primary causes for this condition are usually,people, other animals, places and situations. To avoid worst situations, you have to block the development of your Labrador's anxious behavior before it even starts!

Labradors long for companionship, time and attention from their owners. Leaving them unattended for long hours will most likely result to exhibition of unusual behavior such as incessant barking, digging, pacing scratching and many others. If not addressed properly, Labrador anxiety can greatly affect the development of a rewarding relationship between you and your pet.

Steps to Stop Labrador Anxiety:

Step One:

Be able to recognize Labrador anxiety through visible symptoms. This condition can result from various factors; however, the most triggering cause would be separation or lack of attention. Routine changes, new environment, improper nutrition and allergies can also contribute to the development of separation anxiety.

You will know if your pet is suffering from Labrador anxiety through the actions that he displays. The most common signs for Labrador anxiety includes incessant barking, whining, howling, improper elimination, inactivity, and the occurrence of destructive behavior.

Step Two:

Seeing you leave the house can be a big deal for your pet. Making it look like such a big event will only increase risks of Labrador anxiety. Labradors usually develop a strong bond with their owners. It is not recommended for you to give your pet any extra attention before leaving the house. It will only make your dog think that you might be away for long. Remember that your dog does not understand why you have to leave. For starters, there is a need for you to ensure him of your return every time you go out of the house.

You can also prevent Labrador anxiety by discouraging the anxious behavior. It is more likely that your dog will follow you around the house whenever he feels that you are about to leave. The best way to deal with this is through ignoring your dog for the first 10-30 minutes prior to your departure. When you return, repeat the process.

Step Three:

Prevent Labrador anxiety by keeping your pet occupied while you're gone. It is necessary to provide your pet with positive distractions to ease distress on his part. You can give him toys that stimulate mental activity to keep him busy. As you spend time with your pet, it will be easier for you to know what he wants and need.

Step Four:

Maintaining a regular exercise is also essential. Physical and mental exercises are necessary to prevent Labrador anxiety. You can start by making your daily walks longer than usual or by lengthening your pet's playtime. This is a good way to relieve your dog from stress and tension. When your pet is tired, it will be easier for you to give off commands.

Step Five:

Practicing short intervals of your departure and return can help block Labrador anxiety. Start by leaving home for a few minutes. Stay out for a while then return home afterwards. When your Labrador is familiar with the routine, he will most likely develop the assurance that even if you leave the house, you will still return afterwards. Gradually increase the duration as you do this daily. By doing this,there is a lesser chance for your dog to develop anxious behavior every time you leave.

Step Six:

Crate training is an essential tool in dealing with Labrador anxiety. Upon your Labrador's arrival, you can introduce him to his crate first so that he can immediately develop a positive association with it. Make the crate look enticing enough for your dog to consider staying on it. During his first days with the crate, spend time with your pet and ensure him that the crate is a place he can enjoy with you. Play with your pet and feed him in his crate so that he can develop a positive attachment to it. Make him feel safe and secured in his own private space.

Step Seven:

Every method in dealing with Labrador anxiety requires repetition and consistency. Once you start training your Labrador in becoming a well-behaved pet, the process must keep going as he grows. Due to the numerous choices of training methods available for you and your Labrador, you have to explore which one would be best applied. Remember that Labradors are different from one another and a method that is successful for one may not be in the same case with another. Take time to search and find the most appropriate method that fits your dog's needs.

By following the steps listed above, you should be able to deal handle Labrador anxiety easily and effectively.

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